The Equality French Tradition: History, Tensions, Renovations


  • Lucien Jaume Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po et CNRS



Natural rights, natural equality, general interest, communism, social democracy, Tocquevillian democracy, republican power


The concept of equality is absolutely relevant for the French political culture. It finds a first  culminant moment during the French Revolution (1789-1799), through a hard controversy: the equality defining the rights of man and of citizen vs a concrete equality, which is said “more real”. Today, the equality can be considered as a differential one, such as the social diversity could be represented in itself, including the fact that this meaning of equality takes roots mostly in the society itself, not in the making of state laws. Considering the French political thought, this process of regulation out of the state interference, which is nevertheless a judicial fact, is indeed a new moment, that of persons which are “equal and different”.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 4/10/2018

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 4/12/2018

Author Biography

Lucien Jaume, Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences Po et CNRS

Lucien JAUME, filósofo y historiador del pensiero político, CNRS y Centro de Estudios Políticos de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF) ha publicado 12 libros sobre Hobbes, la Revolución francesa, el liberalismo, Tocqueville (traducción española). Recientemente : “Le Religieux et le politique dans la Révolution française”, Paris, PUF, 2015.

