“The closest parent to the people” The doceañista Constitutional cuestion becomes municipal and federal. The case of Zacatecas, 1808-1835


  • Manuel Chust Calero Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
  • Mariana Terán Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas




Constitution, Zacatecas, city hall, liberal revolution, provincial council, federal republic


The purpose of the article is to explain the dynamics and political participation of the municipalities in the province and entity of Zacatecas during the years of transition from the Hispanic monarchical order to the Mexican federal republic. Since the Political Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy (1812), the increase of local representative bodies with the constitutional councils was encouraged, which implied a transformation in the territorial hierarchies in a process of growing consolidation of local power. The city hall was recognized as the cardinal institution of the populations, the one with the greatest proximity in daily life. It is intended to explain, from the analysis of a case within the framework of the liberal perspective, three moments in its history in which institutions, political practices, general and secondary legislation interacted, configuring a political culture of representation with elements inherited from the old regime and innovations that were allowed thanks to the prolongation of the Hispanic liberal revolution in Mexican federalism.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 23/04/2021

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 3/05/2021





Dossier: 1820-1821: A key biennium in the Hispanic world