Schools for boys and schools for girls during Liberal Triennium


  • Pilar García Trobat Universitat de València



Public Instruction, Constitution, Boys, Girls, Male Teacher, Female Teacher, Liberal Triennium, Public Funds


During the Liberal Triennium, the first law of public instruction is approved in Spain, and the project of general regulations of primary schools is rehearsed on an interim basis. The education is directed to boys, as future citizens, must strengthen the liberal system while girls must attend home and family. The reform failed due to the shortage of public funds, and the short time the law was in force. After that attempt, this legal initiative would not be considered again with the consolidated constitutional system, unlike other projects of the triennium.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 12/02/2020

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 10/04/2020

Author Biography

Pilar García Trobat, Universitat de València

Profesora Titular de Historia del Derecho y las Instituciones de la Universitat de València. Licenciada (1985) y Doctora en Derecho (1989) en esta misma Universitat, obtuvo Premio extraordinario de Doctorado en 1990. Es miembro colaborador del Centro de Historia Universitaria de la Universidad de Salamanca (2002) y Académica correspondiente de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (2006).





The Liberal Triennium: 200 years of constitutionalism