Luis Jiménez de Asúa: a penologist in charge of the Constitution of the II republic


  • Enrique Roldán Cañizares Universidad de Sevilla



Luis Jiménez de Asúa, II Republic, Constitution, Inter-war Constitutions, Integral State, Spain


Luis Jiménez de Asúa was the most important Spanish-speaking penologist of the 20th century. However, his figure is not fully known within Spain, as having established himself as one of the most important politicians of the Second Republic and being a reference point for the Republican institutions in exile, resulted in his being ostracised by Franco’s regime. This article seeks to recover the role that Jiménez de Asúa played in the drafting of the 1931 Constitution, since, regardless of the fact that his specialty was criminal law; he was president of the commission in charge of drafting the Republican constitutional project. Thus, throughout the text one can find the different contributions that the professor from Madrid made in the Republican Magna Carta, both in his role as president and as a parliamentarian, trying to unravel both the doctrinal bases and the motivations that guided him in his task.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 15/01/2020

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 23/03/2020

Author Biography

Enrique Roldán Cañizares, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor de Historia del Derecho

