Debate on the reintegration of the “Fueros” and its implementation in Navarre from 1918 to 1919. The historicist stance of Carlist radical fuerists




Foral Reintegration, 1918, Historical Constitution, Navarre, Carlism, Nationalism, Liberal Constitutionalism


This article outlines the controversy surrounding the reintegration of the “fueros” and its possible implementation in Navarre from 1918 to 1919. The novelty of the analysis is in the attention given to the historicist stance of the most radical sector of Carlism, which has not yet been studied and which undoubtedly determined the debate. The implicit memory and forgetfulness regarding the relationship between liberal constitutionalism and historicist constitutionalism from Navarre are also considered.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 14/11/2018

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 3/01/2019

Author Biography

Fernando Mikelarena Peña, Universidad de Zaragoza

Fernando Mikelarena Peña (Bera, 1962), Doctor en Historia por la UNED (1992) y profesor titular del Departamento de CC. de la Documentación e Hª de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Zaragoza, es autor de tres libros y de más de un centenar de artículos, en solitario o en colaboración, sobre diversas parcelas historiográficas. E-mail:;

