Citizen participation in Colombia’s constitutional process of 1991. Right to education


  • Milton Andrés Rojas Betancur Universidad de Medellín
  • Mauricio Bocanument Arbeláez Universidad de Medellín
  • Olga Cecilia Restrepo Yepes Universidad de Medellín
  • Carlos Mario Molina Betancur Universidad de Medellín



Constituent Process, Citizen Participation, Right to education


During the constituent process in Colombia of 1990 to 1991, specific participatory mechanisms were established in order to allow the citizenship to present initiatives in regard to those subjects that they considered, at the moment, as the most relevant in both social and political spheres; initiatives that at the same time were to serve as an input for the framing of the new Constitution. As the specialized literature has been holding, the majority of initiatives presented during that time were related with education and not with the right to peace.

Before the installation of the National Constituent Assembly, two institutional mechanisms were created with the objective of receiving the proposals presented by the citizenship: The Regional Working Tables and the Preparatory Commissions. At the same time, the non-governmental organizations presented their own initiatives to the National Constituent Assembly hoping that they were taken in consideration during the different debates that were held within their sessions. These proposals, along with the ones presented to the Regional Working Tables and the Preparatory Commissions, constitutes what we call the “citizen participatory agenda” in the Constitution-making process of 1990 to 1991. Then, having done the revision and analysis of this agenda, we were able to establish the influence of the citizen participation, as far as the participatory mechanisms are concerned and regarding the educational matter, in the drafting of the 1991 Political Constitution of Colombia.

Enviado el / Submission date: 12/02/2019

Aceptado el / Acceptance date: 23/04/2019

Author Biographies

Milton Andrés Rojas Betancur, Universidad de Medellín

Doctor en Ciencia Humana y Sociales. Magister en Ciencia Política. Docente de la facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Medellín y del programa de Ciencia Política. Líder del grupo de investigaciones Conflicto y Paz

Mauricio Bocanument Arbeláez, Universidad de Medellín

Abogado, Especialista en Derecho de Familia, Magíster en Gobierno y Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad de Medellín. Se desempeñó como Coordinador del Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Editor de la Revista Opinión Jurídica de la Universidad de Medellín durante 12 años. Fue Vicerrector Académico de la Corporación Universitaria de Sabaneta por 3 años. Actualmente se desempeña como Coordinador de Maestrías de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Medellín, Colombia, y como integrante de la Comisión Nacional Intersectorial de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación Superior – CONACES del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia

Olga Cecilia Restrepo Yepes, Universidad de Medellín

Abogada de la Universidad de Medellín, especialista en Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad del Rosario, magister en Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes y doctora en Derecho de la Universidad de Medellín. Actualmente se desempeña como profesora de Derecho Público en pregrado y posgrado de la Universidad de Medellín. Líder del Grupo de Investigaciones Jurídicas Universidad de Medellín.

Carlos Mario Molina Betancur, Universidad de Medellín

Abogado. Posdoctor en sociología jurídica de la Escuela Práctica de Altos estudios de Paris. Doctor en Derecho Público de la Universidad París II Panthéon Assas. Magister en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad París II Panthéon Assas. Procurador judicial II para Asuntos administrativos 

