The defence of the Constitution between the two World Wars


  • Leonardo Álvarez Álvarez Universidad de Oviedo



Constitutional theory, democracy, defence of the Constitution.


The concept of Defence of the Constitution arose as an scholar doctrine in the aftermath of the First World War. Strictly speaking, this concept involves a particular approach, previously unknown, to the protection of the Constitution and the democratic system. The core of this concept is conceived as a rule which role may be functionally summarized as follows: to deem illegal those aims contrary to the material order upon which rest the positive rules of law, even though the democratic character of the proceedings chosen for the consecution of those aims. In the light of the above, this paper will trace a critical analysis of the theoretical basis of the concept in order to arrive to a judgment on its appropriateness for the protection of the Constitution and the democratic system.

Submission date: 30/01/2006
Acceptance date: 12/04/2006

Author Biography

Leonardo Álvarez Álvarez, Universidad de Oviedo

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Oviedo, con Premio Extraordinario. Es profesor asociado de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Oviedo. Su labor investigadora se ha centrado principalmente en la teoría de la Constitución y en la lealtad constitucional. Amplió estudios en el Institut für Umwet-Und Planungsrecht de la Universidad de Münster, Alemania. Entre sus publicaciones destacan “Lealtad constitucional y partidos políticos” y, “Autodeterminación y lealtad constitucional”.



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