Italian deputies disqualified by vote of the Chamber - 9th november 1926


  • Giampiero Buonomo Consigliere del Senato della Repubblica italiana



Parliament, Constitution, opposition, political violence, monarchy


After the victory of the coalition list in 1924, the Opposition waived its remaining function – control of Government action – by withdrawing from the Chamber of Deputies following the murder of Giacomo Matteotti (Aventine Secession). With the Opposition thus reduced to inaction, Mussolini set down to build the Fascist State. Why then bend the law and disqualify them when they were already deprived of any function? A few members of the Opposition had not joined the Secessionists and were still sitting in Parliament: the decision to have them arrested precipitated the events and, through the involvement of the King, led to a vote on the forfeiture of those parliamentary seats, an act which found no justification in the constitutional and parliamentary law then in force.


Enviado el / Submission Date: 16/03/2012

Aceptado el / Acceptance Date: 24/04/2012

Author Biography

Giampiero Buonomo, Consigliere del Senato della Repubblica italiana

Autore di “Sanciones disciplinarias y policía interna en el ordenamiento parlamentario italiano”, en Instituciones de Derecho Parlamentario, V, Derecho Parlamentario Sancionador, Parlamento Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2005. Ha collaborato con: "Quaderni costituzionali", “Questione giustizia”, “Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale”, “Rassegna parlamentare”, "Il Filangieri".



United States and Italy