Spanish Inspiration of 1821 Piedmont Revolution


  • Gonzalo Butrón Prida Universidad de Cádiz



revolution, liberalism, Constitution of Cádiz, Piedmont


Starting from a reflection on the importance of Spanish revolutionary model in liberal and romantic Europe, the article discusses the specific case of the Piedmontese revolution of 1821. On the one hand, analyzes the revolutionary process a la española faced by Piedmontese liberals, while, on the other hand, studies both the position occupied by the Spanish Constitution of 1812 among the constitutional models during the Restoration, as well as the process leading a movement preferably moderated to accept the Spanish political proposals, of a more radical nature.

Enviado el / Submisson Date: 30/04/2012

Aceptado el / Acceptance Date: 14/05/2012

Author Biography

Gonzalo Butrón Prida, Universidad de Cádiz

Profesor Titular de Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad de Cádiz desde 2004, y previamente profesor asociado en las Universidades de Cádiz (2001-2004) y Huelva (1996-2001). Su principal línea de investigación se centra en las conexiones internacionales de la crisis del Antiguo Régimen y el primer liberalismo.



The Impact of the Constitution of Cadiz in Europe