The Political Government of Madrid during the Last Experience of the Constitutional Regime of 1812 (1836-1837)


  • Javier Pérez Núñez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Political history, Nineteenth century, Madrid, Government, Local Administration


Study of the political Government of Madrid during the last term of the Constitution of 1812 and development of the Constituent Cortes of 1836-1837. Focusing on the political head fixed their attention: on the one hand, in relations with the Minister of the Interior, the diputación and military commanders of the province and the Mayor and the Council of the capital; on the other hand, in the development of the elections, the control of the printing and the maintenance of public order.

Submission Date: 4/01/2011

Acceptance Date: 1/02/2011


Author Biography

Javier Pérez Núñez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional Secretario del Seminario de Historia Constitucional "Martínez Marina" y de la revista electrónica "Historia Constitucional". Investigador Titular del Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Director de la Biblioteca Virtual de Historia Constitucional "Francisco Martínez Marina".