The republican nation between inheritance and break. An approximation to the definition of “Spain” in the constitutional debate of 1931


  • Marie Angèle Orobon Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III



Republic, federalism, democracy, constitution, nationalism


The article deals with the debates over the final written version of the first article of the Constitution of 1931. Although the republican form basically broke away from the monarchical system, the young Spanish Republic claimed that it was the heir to a whole liberal-democratic tradition whether it was expressed or repressed. Starting from this duality, the survey intends to define the idea of a “republican nation” that results from the debates of the Constituent Assembly of the Second Spanish Republic.

Submission date: 22/03/2009

Acceptance date: 27/04/2009

Author Biography

Marie Angèle Orobon, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III

Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos de la Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III. Ha dedicado su investigación a la historia de las representaciones en la España del siglo XIX y los procesos de construcción nacional en sus aspectos políticos, ideológicos e identitarios. Es autora de varios artículos sobre las representaciones históricas y literarias de la Comuna de París en España, los manuales escolares de historia (siglos XIX y XX) y sobre imaginería política.



The XXth Century Spanish and Italian Constitutionalism