The Napoleonic system in the Vasque territory: From the local law to a new regime. Introduction and implications


  • Lartaun de Egibar Urrutia Universidad Pública de Navarra



Napoleonic System, Government of Biscay, Government of Navarre, Basque Institutions, Napoleonic Governments.


The Napoleonic Constitution, being in force since July 1808, was meaning  theoretically the disappearance of the Basque Law and Institutions. First steps of the rule of Joseph I excluded neither Law nor the Government Institutions.  But in February 1810 the situation takes another turn.  Two Governments, the one of Navarre and another of Biscay, each one having a General Governor under direct authority of Napoleon are constituted. With a relative rapidity, a political administrative system, new as a whole, was set up, being in force until 1813.

Submission date: 04/01/2008
Acceptance date: 21/04/2008

Author Biography

Lartaun de Egibar Urrutia, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Ha sido profesor asociado y ayudante de Historia del Derecho en la Universidad Pública de Navarra. Su tesis abordó la representación y la representatividad en las instituciones de gobierno del Señorío de Bizkaia en el siglo XIX. Ha investigado sobre el Derecho e instituciones municipales forales y sobre el uso de testimonios orales y otras fuentes para la historia reciente, con varias publicaciones.



The Constitution of Bayonne and the reign of Joseph I Bonaparte