1848: Constitutional tranquillity in Spain


  • Carlos Petit Universidad de Huelva




1848, dictatorship, revolution


This text analyzes the constitutional tranquillity in Spain during 1848, a year of social Revolutions in Europe, and tries to explain this particular situation in Spain. The opposition between revolution-Constitution, as well as the political sources (British and French) of the Spanish political thought in that period is also studied as a justification of the lack of Revolution in 1848.

Submission date: 04/03/2001
Acceptance date: 08/05/2001

Author Biography

Carlos Petit, Universidad de Huelva

Doctor en Derecho y licenciado en Historia; pertenece al Cuerpo de Catedráticos de Universidad desde 1986 y enseña actualmente, en la facultad de Derecho de Huelva, Historia del Derecho Español y Derecho Comparado. En los últimos años se dedica con preferencia a la historia del pensamiento jurídico (siglos XIX-XX).