Reception and influence of John Milton’s Areopagitica in American Colonial and Revolutionary Ideology: From Franklin to Jefferson


  • María Nieves Saldaña Díaz Universidad de Huelva



Modern concept of press freedom, John Milton’s Areopagitica, reception and Influence, American colonial and revolutionary ideology


The writing that inaugurates the modern concept of freedom of expression, the speech that the famous republican poet John Milton addressed the Parliament of England during the Puritan Revolution in defense of the freedom of English press with the unusual title of Areopagitica, reached significant influence to the another side of the Atlantic in the colonial and revolutionary American ideology, being a source of inspiration for the first writings that crossed the colonies against restrictive regulation of seditious libel in force in the common law, as reflected in newspaper articles from Benjamin Franklin, the writings of James Alexander and Andrew Hamilton’s defense in the Zenger Case, as well as for the writings of those who illustrated the Revolution, specially for the sermons of protestant pastor Jonathan Mayew, and, more significantly, for the writings of the founding father of American independence, Thomas Jefferson, considerably influenced by the impact that were taking the principles of the Areopagitica in revolutionary France, thus reflecting the presence and influence of John Milton’s Areopagitica in the two Atlantic Revolutions.


Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 06/12/2011

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 17/02/2012

Author Biography

María Nieves Saldaña Díaz, Universidad de Huelva

Doctora en Derecho. Responsable del Área de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Huelva, España. Ha ampliado estudios en la Universidad de Harvard y se ha especializado en la historia de la libertad de expresión y el Derecho Constitucional comparado. Entre sus textos más relevantes destacan: “El derecho a la privacidad en los Estados Unidos: Aproximación diacrónica a los intereses constitucionales en juego” (Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, Nº 128, 2011); “Libertad de prensa y energía política en la Areopagítica de John Milton” (Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, Nº 3, 2008); “La protección de la privacidad en la sociedad tecnológica: el derecho constitucional a la privacidad de la información personal en los Estados Unidos”, (Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades, Nº 18, 2007); "La gestación de la Primera Enmienda: "Founding period" y "Original meaning" (Historia constitucional, Nº. 7, 2006); "A Legacy of Suppression: Del control de la



United States and Italy