The reception of Cadiz Constitution in French Political Debate: 1814-1824


  • Nere Basabe Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences-Po



Cadiz, 1812 Constitution, international projection, French Restoration, European liberalism


The study on the international relevance of the 1812 Spanish Constitution has usually focused on Southern European countries or Spanish America, where it was sometimes directly imported, neglecting other contexts beyond. The French Restoration was not, a priori, the right political field for a significant influence. But the history of the Constitution of Cadiz is so linked to France (as it was proclaimed during the Spanish Independence war and overthrown by the intervention of the French army in 1823), that it is worth to have a look at its reception: the distinguished role of the 1812 Constitution in the French political debate during the period shows that France was not an exception to the worldwide impact of the first liberal constitution in the 19th Century.


Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 16/04/2012

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 29/04/2012

Author Biography

Nere Basabe, Centre de Recherches Politiques de Sciences-Po

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Complutense, profesora de Historia del pensamiento político en la Universidad del País Vasco, actualmente es investigadora invitada en Sciences-Po París por un periodo de dos años. Está especializada en historia conceptual e historia de Francia en el siglo XIX.



The Impact of the Constitution of Cadiz in Europe