The political and constitutional thought of Alaro Florez Estrada through the press


  • Ignacio Fernández Sarasola Universidad de Oviedo



Florez Estrada, press, political thought, Corts, public opinion, monarchy, popular sovereignty


Flórez Estrada developed an intensive activity through the press. Indeed, an important part of his political thought can be only known reading the articles he published in the political press. In this article I will study not only the political newspapers edited by Florez Estrada (“El Tribuno del pueblo español” and “El Español Constitucional”) but also other journals, edited by liberals, which included Flórez Estrada’s writings. Through these newspapers, it will be analyzed the political thought of Flórez Estrada, and mainly his ideas about the Spanish Cortes, the Popular sovereignty, the Monarchy and the Liberty of Press.

Submission date: 18/01/2004
Acceptance date: 05/04/2004

Author Biography

Ignacio Fernández Sarasola, Universidad de Oviedo

Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Oviedo. Investigador Titular del Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, Secretario de la revista "Historia Constitucional" y Director Científico del portal de Constituciones Hispanoamericanas de la Biblioteca Virtual "Miguel de Cervantes"



150th Anniversary of Alvaro Florez Estrada