The diffusion of modern thought in the University of Salamanca at the end of the XVIIIth century


  • Ricardo Robledo Universidad de Salamanca



University of Salamanca, liberalism, iusnaturalism


The University of Salamanca was one of the main focuses to introduce in Spain the modern political and economical theories coming from Europe. Some of the main liberal thinkers studied in Salamanca between the last years of the XVIIIth Century and the first years of the XIXth century, where they were able to learn those doctrines which they used later in their political activities.

Submission date: 17/11/2004
Acceptance date: 26/02/2005

Author Biography

Ricardo Robledo, Universidad de Salamanca

Catedrático de Historia Económica en la Universidad de Salamanca. Junto a Irene Castells y María Cruz Romeo ha editado recientemente el libro Orígenes del liberalismo. Universidad, Política, Economía, Universidad de Salamanca/Junta de Castilla-León, Salamanca, 2003.