Hermann Heller interpreter of the Weimar Constitution


  • Leticia Vita Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET




Hermann Heller, Weimar Constitution, constitutional interpretation, legal principles


100 years after the enactment of the German Constitution of Weimar, this article seeks to reconstruct the interpretation made by Hermann Heller, one of the most important jurists of the Republic. Of all available constitutional theories, the one of Heller tried to lay the foundations of a democratic and social interpretation of the constitution. To prove this, we will focus on three short articles in which he deals specifically with the constitution of 1919. We assume that in these writings is where Heller best interprets the program of the Weimar Constitution, in light of its structural principles.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 26/04/2019

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 8/05/2019

Author Biography

Leticia Vita, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET

Doctora en Derecho, Abogada, Lic. en Ciencias Política (UBA)

Profesora Adjunta - Departamento de Derecho Público Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Investigadora del CONICET
Investigadora Permanente del Instituto de Investigaciones A. L. Gioja, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires





The Weimar Constitution in its centenary (1919-2019)