Constitution of the Province of Socorro, August 15, 1810. First Constitutional Text Promulgated of the New Granada


  • Wilman Amaya León Universidad Libre Colombia



Constitution, State, Spain, New Granada, Province of Socorro, independence.


The process of constitutional formation of New Granada, began in the early nineteenth century, after its first stages with the formation of the Provincial Boards of Government in the years 1809-1810 and The independence declarations of 1811 to 1814. This movement had as a special characteristic that Quito, Caracas, Santafé, Cartagena, Antioquia, El Socorro, Tunja and the other neogranadinas provinces did not unite around an idea of nation, autonomously Took the necessary steps to achieve their independence from Spain and each one was building its constitutional model around the particular interests of its provincial leaders.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 17/07/2018

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 23/09/2018

Author Biography

Wilman Amaya León, Universidad Libre Colombia

Docente Facultad de Derecho Universidad Libre de Colombia

