Church and State in the XIXth Century France: Tocqueville and Freedom of Education


  • Rafael Daniel García Pérez Universidad de Navarra



Freedom of Education, Church, State, University, Religion, Liberalism


The discussion in 1844 of a draft law on secondary education gave rise to a broad debate in France about the content and scope of the freedom of education ordained by the Constitution of 1830. In opposition to those who defended the monopoly of the University or its absolute liberalization, Tocqueville was in favor of a regulated freedom. However, beyond the specific debate of the law, what was at stake was the place reserved for the Church in the new constitutional order implemented by the July Monarchy.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 19/01/2018
Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 14/03/2018

Author Biography

Rafael Daniel García Pérez, Universidad de Navarra

Profesor Titular de Historia del Derecho

Universidad de Navarra

