Liberalism without liberty: Religious unity and public order in 1812 and 1837 Constitutions


  • Alberto Cañas de Pablos Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Liberalism, 1812 Constitution, 1837 Constitution, Religious freedom, Church-State relationships


The first two Spanish Constitutions (1812 and 1837) had to face the matter of religion as a political and social fact. During their drawing up, deputies had to decide how the new legislation of that polemical topic would be. Restrictions on religious liberty often crashed with words defending liberties in other aspects. One more time, the necessity of public order demanded the limitations of liberties related to faith.
Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 24-06-2015
Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 15-09-2015

Author Biography

Alberto Cañas de Pablos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración por la Universidad Complutense y alumno de Doctorado en la misma institución. Disfruta de un contrato de personal investigador en formación durante la realización de su tesis doctoral "Napoleón como modelo político en la Europa del siglo XIX. El caso español (1814-1870)", donde trabaja especialmente las figuras de Baldomero Espartero y Juan Prim con Bonaparte como telón de fondo.

