The First Republic and the universal vote in Portugal: the debate in 1911 in diacronic analysis


  • Miriam Halpern Pereira CEHC/IUL- ISCTE



universal suffrage, First Portuguese Republic, constitutional Assembly of 1911, socialist party, anarchist movement


“To give the word to the people” signified during the XIX th. century the right to vote, that is the implementation of universal suffrage. This nineteenth century’s European heritage was an important point of the Republican Program since 1891. In spite of this, the 1st.Portuguese Republic never incorporated it. This text analyses this aspect of political retrocession, so as to understand the dividing lines in the republican movement and the attitudes of the popular strata towards the electoral system.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 23/02/2014
Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 25/04/2014

Author Biography

Miriam Halpern Pereira, CEHC/IUL- ISCTE

Professora Catedrática Emérita de História, ISCTE/IUL.
Publicações recentes: Do Estado liberal ao Estado Providência, Edusc, S. Paulo, 2011. O Gosto pela História – Percursos de História contemporânea, ICS, Lisboa, 2010. Mouzinho da Silveira, Pensamento e acção política, Assembleia da República/Texto 2009.





Sufragio, mujeres y constitucionalismo