Precedents Of Female Suffrage In Spain: The Federal Pactist Republicanism And Women’s Political Rights (1868-1914)


  • Sergio Sánchez Collantes Universidad de Oviedo



Federal republicanism, Female suffrage, Democratic constitutionalism, Suffragism, Citizenship, Political Rights


During the decade of the 1880s, federal republicanism led by Pi i Margall drew up a series of proposals for regional constitutions that summarised a significant part of the aspirations of this political culture. The enfranchisement of women was the most significant achievement among these goals, although it had not been included in all projects. The origins of the debate about women’s suffrage in Spain might be found in those constitution-making attempts, of which more examples appear in subsequent years and to which historiography has not paid adequate attention.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 12/03/2014
Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 18/04/2014

Author Biography

Sergio Sánchez Collantes, Universidad de Oviedo

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Oviedo, donde ha trabajado como investigador y docente FPU-MEC. También ha sido profesor interino en la Universidad de La Rioja. Entre sus publicaciones, cabe mencionar Demócratas de antaño (2007), el estudio del Proyecto de Constitución Federal del Estado Asturiano (2009), Sediciosos y románticos (2011) y El azote de la plebe (2014).





Sufragio, mujeres y constitucionalismo