Andrés Ángel de la Vega Infanzón: An Anglophile Reformist


  • Alicia Laspra Universidad de Oviedo



Vega, Asturian juntas, London, Cortes de Cádiz, Vaughan, H. Wellesley, Wellington.


Andrés Ángel de la Vega Infanzón has long been an intriguing character due to significant gaps in his time as deputy for Asturias in the Cortes de Cádiz. Jovellanos’s influence in his education and in shaping his thinking has given him virtually unconditional credibility, both in his own time and throughout history. A convinced anglophile, Vega’s political affiliation has been traditionally labelled with the term ‘liberal’. This essay traces the character’s public career and revisits his political stance in the light of the little known documents which he bequeathed to his English friend Charles Vaughan. It also draws on partly unpublished material from Vega’s main British correspondents in the Peninsula.
Fecha envío / Submission date: 15/04/2013Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 20/05/2013

Author Biography

Alicia Laspra, Universidad de Oviedo

Doctora en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Oviedo y diplomada en Estudios Norteamericanos, como Becaria Fulbright, por la Universidad de Nueva York. Es Profesora Titular de Universidad,  miembro Correspondiente del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos y miembro de ‘Peninsular War 200’. Ha publicado varias obras sobre Lingüística Aplicada y sobre las relaciones hispano-británicas durante la Guerra de la Independencia. Ha impartido numerosas conferencias en diversas instituciones nacionales e internacionales.





Three representatives from Asturias in the Corts of Cadix