The jovellanista realism of Alonso Cañed


  • Marta Friera Álvarez Universidad de Oviedo



Alonso Cañedo y Vigil, Courts of Cadiz, Iusracionalism, Enlightenment, Realism, Jovellanos


Alonso Cañedo (Candamo, Asturias, 1760 – Burgos, 1829) was a member of parliament in the courts of Cádiz. This study analyzes his life, his election as a member of parliament, his participation in the constitutional debate, and his later role in the successive restorations of the old regime and liberalism during the first third of the 19th century. This analysis aims to contributing towards a better understanding of the development of the Enlightenment thought during and after the liberal revolutions, particularly regarding the Spanish experience. Far from developing towards liberalism, a sector of the enlightened became moderated after Cádiz with regards their political and constitutional doctrine. They proposed restoring the legal culture of the old regime, which they had previously abandoned in search of limiting royal power, superimposed on the other powers, and which, however, after the Cádiz experience, will be accepted almost as a state power.

Fecha envío / Submission date: 15/04/2013 

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 11/05/2013

Author Biography

Marta Friera Álvarez, Universidad de Oviedo

Doctora en Derecho y profesora titular de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. Especializada en el tránsito del antiguo régimen al liberalismo, a través del estudio de las instituciones político-administrativas, especialmente las asturianas, y de las principales causas y consecuencias del tránsito, como son la desamortización y el constitucionalismo.



Three representatives from Asturias in the Corts of Cadix