Questions on Jacobin constitutionalism. The Legislative Power in the Constitutional Act of June 23 1793


  • Marco Fioravanti Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata”



Jacobin constitution – Legislative power – Referendum


Jacobin constitutional thought was based on universal suffrage, on short mandate and on direct democracy. This article analizes the legislative function provided for by the Jacobin constitution. It was an attempt to put in the constitution the referendum, in a legislative procedure based on the thought of Rousseau and on a democratic point of view.



Submission date: 13/12/2006
Acceptance date: 01/03/2007

Author Biography

Marco Fioravanti, Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata”

“Ricercatore” en Historia del Derecho Medieval y Moderno en la Universidad de Roma “Tor Vergata”, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Derecho. Entre sus publicaciones recientes destacan: Sieyès e il jury constitutionnaire, en «Le Carte e la Storia», XI (2005), n. 1, pp. 175-188; Il fascismo dei corporativisti: Ugo Spirito, en «Giornale di storia contemporanea», IX (2006), n. 1, pp. 57-79; Le potestà normative del governo. Radici storiche in Francia e in Italia, en «Giornale di storia contemporanea», IX (2006), n. 2, pp. 5-26.



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