The resistance in the constituent Assembly and in the Italian Constitution of 1948


  • Giacomo Delledonne Scuola superiore "Sant'Anna" di Pisa



Constitution, Anti-fascist resistance, Political parties, Constitutional compromise, European constitutionalism


The essay deals with the relationship between the Italian Constitution of 1948 and the ideas of the anti-fascist resistance movement (1943-45). The “Constitution stemming from the Resistance” is a widespread commonplace. The contribution tries to go into this link in the light of Italian constitutional history and European constitutional culture. Three fundamental topics are considered: constitutional compromise, the role and conception of political parties and the renewed interest in foreign experience from the members of the Constituent Assembly.

Submission date: 04/03/2009

Acceptance date: 03/05/2009

Author Biography

Giacomo Delledonne, Scuola superiore "Sant'Anna" di Pisa

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas, licenciado por la Escuela Superior “Sant’Anna” de Pisa, y miembro del proyecto STALS (



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