History readers and politic makers in seasons of “constitutional fracture”


  • Carmen García Monerris Universidad de Valencia




Kingdom of Valencia, liberalism, Canga Argüelles, Ribelles, Borrull


This article tries to be an analysis of the plural a heterogeneous first Spanish liberalism, from the political view of one of the Spanish territories, that of the Reign of Valencia, that could show the syncretism between the modern standardization projected by the Borbon reformism, and the maintaining of some old local structures and institutions. This text will study two points of view, the radical one, and the historical one, analyzing three thinkers who have not been very studied: José Canga Argüelles, Bartolomé Ribelles y Francisco Xavier Borrull.

Submission date: 24/03/2002
Acceptance date: 18/05/2002

Author Biography

Carmen García Monerris, Universidad de Valencia

Profesora Titular de Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad de Valencia. Recientemente ha publicado el libro (edición y Estudio Preliminar), José Canga Argüelles, Reflexiones sociales y otros escritos, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, 2000.



Spain and Iberoamerica