Republic and virtue. Helenic constitutional roots: Present and challenges


  • Paulo Ferreira da Cunha Universidade do Porto



Republic, Democracy, Virtue, Arete, Ancient Constitution


Republican values and virtues are again the order of the day, not only due to Neorepublican theorists, but also because of other current debates, such as multiculturalism, the laicity of states, transparency and corruption. In this paper we remember, among others, Pericles’ funereal speech in Thucydides’ History of Peloponnesian War, and Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics as  two important roots of  Republican Ethics, as well as the ulterior Montesquieu’s theory of virtue as the essence of Republican states.

Submission date: 02/02/2008
Acceptance date: 18/04/2008

Author Biography

Paulo Ferreira da Cunha, Universidade do Porto

Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional, Metodología y Filosofía del Derecho. Director del Instituto Jurídico Interdisciplinar de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Oporto, Portugal. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Coimbra y de París II. “Agregado” en Derecho, Ciencias Jurídicas Públicas. Autor de más de 60 libros y 300 artículos especializados.



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