Revolution and translation of Law: The importance of the Constitution of Bayonne


  • Jean-Baptiste Busaall Université de Rouen



Regeneration, Revolution, Constitution of Bayonne, constitutional despotism, Spanish patria


In 1808, Napoleon promised to regenerate the Spanish Monarchy without any rupture. He introduced a Constitution written upon the model of the Consulate and Imperial Constitutions which were the result of the 1789 revolution. This work intents to define what the Emperor meant by regeneration by studying both constitutional process and text. The question is analyzed according to the Spanish constitutional culture and differentiates the juridical meaning from the political meaning of the Constitution of Bayonne.

Submission date: 04/01/2008
Acceptance date: 12/05/2008

Author Biography

Jean-Baptiste Busaall, Université de Rouen

Ha sido profesor invitado en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, profesor ayudante de Historia del Derecho en las Universidades de París-Norte y de Rouen. Su tesis versó sobre el impacto de la experiencia constitucional francesa en la formación del primer liberalismo español (1808-1820). Ha publicado varios trabajos sobre el derecho constitucional y las ideas políticas durante la crisis de la Monarquía Española.



The Constitution of Bayonne and the reign of Joseph I Bonaparte